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The new boy at school

One Monday morning, Philip woke up early, it was the first day of school. He was quite happy because he was going to a new school in a new town. He had left his old school in the village where he lived with his mother. He was now living with his uncle.

   He was anxious about the new school. He thought, "maybe the boys won't like me, maybe I won't understand the subjects".

      Still, he had a quick bath and wore his uniform. His uncle was eating his breakfast.

"I'm leaving for school now," he said to his uncle.
"Isn't it too early?"

"No. I want to get a good seat in front of the class."
"Good. I'll see you in the afternoon. Make sure you come home straight after school. And don't get lost," said his uncle.
"I'll try," replied Philip.

       Philip walked briskly to school, it was easy to find his way to school. At school, he found a classroom Marked Class IVB and went inside. Three boys were already there, talking loudly at the back of the class . He said, "Good morning," but none of them answered. They looked at him and went on talking.

       Philip put his old school box on a desk, it creaked when he tried to open it, it was a metal box with flowers on the back and a small bolt to hold down the cover. Suddenly, Philip heard a loud laughter behind him. He looked back and saw three the three boys. They were pointing at his box and laughing. One of them said very loudly, "Look at that box like a mechanic's tool box, it must be from a village."
     Philip was hurt. He didn't think there was anything wrong with the box. Everyone in Ipolu village school where he came from had that kind of box.

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